LAC Supervision

Supervision doesn’t have to be a pain.


Flexible Hours

Supervision hours available evenings and weekends.


Tech-Assisted Options

One specialty is Tech-Assisted Counseling and Supervision which makes your thousands of hours easier.

Monthly Payment

Monthly payments to ensure you get enough supervision hours to accommodate all your client hours.


Diverse Work Experience

I have experience in school-based, private practice, residential, sex offender treatment, and court-ordered treatment with children, teens, and adults.

Cultural Competency

Cultural competency is my passion and will be utilized as often as possible.


EMDR, TCYM, and TF-CBT training, and Play Intervention Experience

I am trained in a variety of methods with insight in diverse practice locations.


Learn Practical Info


Much time is spent discussing the things school didn’t teach. I make it a priority to make sure my supervisees understand the business of therapy and how to do ethical therapy in imperfect systems.


A little about me

  • I'm really into body-related stuff so I do trauma-yoga stuff, emdr, and a little person-centered, and solution-focused. I am also trained in (but not certified) in sandtray and play therapy. There's probably more but those are my main loves.

  • I've always had anxiety and I get a lot from being what I needed growing up.

  • I have several supervisees right now and I do group supervision at least once a week.

  • I see them virtually and in person. I have another tech-assisted option so you can stay caught up. Also, a few times a year, my supervisees and I get together to do something fun. Currently, we meet Mondays and Fridays.

  • $315 a month.

 If you are already in supervision with me, click below for quick access to all the forms.